Hands in a circle

Get involved in your community and join a committee or board. Learn about the different committees and boards that help govern the Municipality of Wawa and advise Mayor and Council on a variety of issues.

Join a Committee

We accept committee applications at the beginning of each council term following a municipal election, or when there is a vacancy before the end of the term. If you are interested in joining, please contact the Clerk's Department by email or call 705-856-2244.

Appointments to Boards and Committees


Algoma District Social Services Board

Algoma District Services Administration Board (ADSAB) provides social services and paramedic services to the District of Algoma.

ADSAB manages and delivers social programs through a combination of direct delivery and contracted services in the social program areas of Children's Services, Housing Services and Ontario Works.

ADSAB funding is provided from the province and the member municipalities. The provincial contribution is provided through service agreements or legislation for all programs while the municipal share is apportioned to the member municipalities utilizing the approved apportionment model.

Council Repesentative: Mayor Melanie Pilon

About Algoma DSAB

Algoma Public Health

Algoma Public Health (APH) is a public health agency committed to improving health and reducing social inequities in health through evidence-informed practice.

They are governed by an autonomous Board of Health and have strong community partnerships throughout the Algoma district.

APH is one of 35 non-profit public health agencies funded by local and provincial governments. APH work with individuals, families and community partners to promote and protect health and to prevent disease.

Councillor Julia Hemphill from the Townshp of Dubreuilville has been appointed to the APH Board.

Algoma Public Health website

Superior East OPP Regional Detachment Board

The Superior East OPP Regional Detchmant Board is a Section 10 Board and serve as advisory body to the following five communities: 

  • Municipality of Wawa
  • Township of Chapleau
  • Township of Dubreuilville
  • Township of Hornepayne
  • Township of White River

The board consists of: 

  • two community members appointed by resolution of council, who is neither a member of the council nor an employee of the municipality; and
  • five Council appointees (one from each community) and
  • two Provincial appointees appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

For more information regagrding the Superior East OPP Regional Detachment Board and their responsibilities, see the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

Ontario Association of Police Services Board (OAPSB)

Agenda and Minutes of the Superior East OPP Regional Detachment Board.

Wawa Public Library

The Wawa Public Library Board:

  • shall seek to provide, in co-operation with other boards, a comprehensive and efficient public library service that reflects the community's unique needs;
  • shall seek to provide library services in the French language, where appropriate;
  • shall operate one or more libraries and ensure that they are conducted in accordance with this Act and the regulations;
  • may operate special services in connection with a library as it considers necessary;
  • shall fix the times and places for board meetings and the mode of calling and conducting them, and ensure that full and correct minutes are kept;
  • shall make an annual report to the Minister and make any other reports required by this Act and the regulations or requested by the Minister from time to time;
  • shall make provision for insuring the board's real and personal property;
  • shall take proper security for the treasurer; and
  • may appoint such committees as it considers expedient.

Councillor Joseph Opato has been appointed to the Wawa Public Library.

Visit the Wawa Public Library website.

Public Library Act.

Appointing By-Law


Age Friendly Committee

The Wawa Age-Friendly Committee (WAFC) has a mandate to lead an age-friendly assessment of the community and oversee the completion of the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant project. The Wawa Age-Friendly Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • serve as the age-friendly champion for the community by developing a vision, gathering momentum and encouraging action;
  • develop a coordinated approach between local government, citizens, service providers and community organizations to make the community age-friendly;
  • promote collaboration and involvement in the Plan development;
  • raise public awareness and interest in planning for an age-friendly community;
  • promote awareness of age-friendly principles to residents, local agencies and businesses;
  • encourage the community to view policies, projects and programs with an age-friendly lens;
  • work with the Wawa Age-Friendly Project Coordinator,
  • obtain formal local government commitment and public support for age-friendly initiatives;
  • monitor funding available for age-friendly initiatives, encourage local government or other eligible agencies to apply for this funding, and provide input on funding applications;
  • organize, promote and lead an age-friendly assessment of the community;
  • review the results of the age-friendly assessment and develop recommendations for priority actions;
  • oversee, promote and encourage implementation of the action plan and/or specific items in the action plan;
  • monitor changes to age-friendliness, with consideration of the impact on people of all generations and abilities; and
  • make recommendations to municipal council and staff on a regular basis to continue age-friendly initiatives.

Councillor Jim Hoffmann has been appointed to the Wawa age-Friendly Committee.

Establishing By-Law

Cemetery Committee

The Municipality of Wawa Cemetery Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • to make recommendations to Council regarding the operation and maintenance of all cemeteries owned by the Municipality of Wawa.
  • to ensure that the operation of all cemeteries owned by the Municipality confirms to all Provincial legislation as well as all pertinent municipal by-laws.
  • to review and report to Council on matters referred to the Committee by Council, the Chief Administrative Officer or other committees.
  • to ensure that the issues presented to Council are clearly understood and fully reported on.
  • to identify methods to raise additional revenues for the cemetery operation.

Councillor Joseph Opato has been appointed to the Wawa Cemetery Committee.

Establishing By-Law

Cemetery By-Law

Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee 

The mandate of the Wawa Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee is to:

  • Assist, in an advisory capacity, Council and Staff on mailers relating to economic development and tourism;
  • Provide advice to Council and staff in developing and implementing economic development and tourism plans and strategies;
  • Assist in reviewing and recommending the implementation of a Municipal Accommodation Tax for tourism marketing purposes;
  • Participate in the development of economic and tourism programs and initiatives; 
  • To exchange ideas and knowledge about programs and initiatives relating to economic development and tourism;
  • Support and develop economic opportunities as approved by Council and annual departmental work plans; and
  • Work in partnership with staff and others to actively assist in fostering and promoting a positive community image and a healthy business environment for existing and prospective businesses, tourists and visitors to Wawa.

Mayor Melanie Pilon has been appointed to the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee.

Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee By-Law

Fire Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Wawa Municipal Fire Advisory Committee shall be to assist the Fire Chief to meet  provincial legislation and department needs and to provide Council with recommendations and also includes the following;

  • To ensure the Wawa Volunteer Fire Department meets all obligations related to provincial laws, health and safety and council direction. 
  • To assist the Fire Chief with the completion of a Fire Community Assessment Report and a Fire Services Review Report and review the fire services requirements of the municipality.
  • To support public education initiatives with respect to fire safety and certain components of fire prevention.
  • To review and provide recommendations to Council on matters referred to the Advisory Committee by Council.
  • To review, update and recommend by-laws and policies pertaining to the Fire Department.
  • To ensure communications between the fire service and Municipal Council are consistent and regular. 

Councillor Jim Hoffmann has been appointed to the Wawa Fire Advisory Committee.

Wawa Fire Advisory Committee By-Law

Heritage Committee

The duties of the Municipality of Wawa Heritage Committee shall be to respond to the community's needs with regards to heritage preservation and provide Council with recommendations regarding heritage issues for the growth and development of the community and that the following goals and objectives be included:

  • to inventory, collect and preserve historical artifacts and information pertinent to the Michipicoten/Wawa area.
  • to identify sources of historical artifacts and anecdotal information relating specifically to the Michipicoten/Wawa area.
  • to inventory historical material available from the Regional Tourist Information Centre, schools, library, existing historical information and other sources.
  • to physically collect and catalogue historical material.
  • to increase the awareness level within the community with regard to heritage education.
  • to ensure that the student population of Wawa receives the opportunity to study the history of the Michipicoten/Wawa area and interpret its importance to the community today.
  • to ensure that the residents of the community have ample opportunity to explore and inquire about the history of the Michipicoten/Wawa area and interpret its importance to the community today.
  • to promote the history of the Michipicoten/Wawa area to visitors so as to increase their interest and positively enhance the local tourism industry.
  • to provide area visitors with printed information detailing the important dates, times and places within the community of historical significance.
  • to encourage local residents, owners/employees of local businesses and Travel Counsellors at the Regional

Tourist Information Centre to promote the history of the Michipicoten/Wawa area in their discussions with local visitors.

Councillor Micheline Hatfield has been appointed to the Wawa Heritage Committee.

Establishing By-Law

Wawa Marina Advisory Committee

The Wawa Marina Advisory Committee is to assist and make recommendations to Council and Staff on matters related to the operation of the Harry McCluskie Municipal Marina and its impact on the community and the promotion of the Municipality of Wawa. It's mandate is to:

  • create a proposal for the future sustainable operation of the Wawa Marina
  • assist with the procurement of funding to action this proposal
  • provide recommendations to Council on any matter generally relating to Marina operations

The Marina Committee are the representatives of the facility users and community at large who assist the Municipality in the successful operation of the facility.

Councillor Micheline Hatfield has been appointed to the Wawa Marina Advisory Committee.

Establishing By-Law