The Municipal zoning by-law is used to regulate the use of land. It states specifically what land uses are currently permitted in the municipality and provides detailed information such as:

  • Where buildings or structures may be located;
  • Types of uses and dwellings permitted; and
  • Standards for lot sizes, parking requirements, building height, side yard dimensions and setback from the street.

All development proposals must comply with the Zoning By-Law.

Zoning By-law

A zoning bylaw controls the use of land in your community. It states exactly:

  • how land may be used
  • where buildings and other structures can be located
  • the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
  • the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street

Zoning Schedules

Zoning By-law Amendments

Significant deviations from the Zoning By-Law will require a Zoning By-law amendment. The Zoning By-law amendment process can take three to six months from application to final approval.

A basic application fee is required to cover normal costs incurred in processing a Zoning By-law amendment application. [insert zoning amendment application form]

For further information on fees, process or application, please contact the Municipal offices.