Voting will start on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

A Telephone/Internet Voting method shall be used for the 2022 Municipal and School Board Elections.

Voter Help Centre - means a location provided by The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa to assist electors with the Telephone/Internet Voting process or other general election inquiries, including revisions. The Voter Help Centre(s) is located at the Municipal Offices, 40 Broadway Avenue, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm between Monday, October 11, 2022 to Friday, October 21, 2022 and these other locations:




Hillcrest Heights

40 Hillcrest Heights

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Wawa Goose Seniors Club,
63 Broadway Avenue

Thursday, October 13, 2022

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Lady Dunn Health Centre,
17 Government Road

Saturday, October 15, 2022

9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Mountain View Apartments,
35 Algoma Street

Saturday, October 15, 2022

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

New Wawa Senior Complex

37 Algoma Street

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

9:00 am to 11:00 am

MMCC – 3 Chris Simon Drive

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Town Hall
40 Broadway Avenue

Monday to Friday ONLY

Tuesday, October 11, 2022 to
Friday, October 21, 2022

8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Telephone/Internet Voting:

  1. Eligible voters shall be required to telephone a designated number or access a designated internet address and cast their vote.
  2. Every eligible elector shall be limited to only one vote through the use of a PIN distributed by first class mail, or hand-delivered as required, in a sealed and personalized Voter Information Letter.
  3. The eVoting Service Provider, will allow the eligible voter to vote using a telephone or the internet.
  4. Following the voter’s selection, the voting system response shall identify the voter’s choice and provide the voter with the option of changing or confirming their vote.
  5. The voting system shall enable the voter to decline from voting for an office(s) if he/she wishes to do so.
  6. Once the PIN has been used to complete all assigned races associated with the election it cannot be used again, and further access shall not be granted to the Telephone/Internet Voting service to vote again.